Monday, September 13, 2010

Security Systems nyc

Summer is never truly over until certain things happen, certain things like the long awaited acoustic BBQ from our good friend, Todd P. Every year he attracts a mass of hipsters to peaceful serene locations around NYC for good acoustic jamz from some of dopest bands at the moment. This year; Real Estate, Javelin, the Beets, Frankie Rose, the Blow, Cassie Ramone, Aa, and tons more were set to play what was thought to be one of the last few days of warm summery brilliance. Unfortunately, or maybe even fortunately, the event was rained out leaving a small group of about 30 kids listening to awesome bands in the muddy wet environment. Blankets, jackets, car heaters, umbrellas, and garbage bags were all relied upon to keep the forces warm and dry (unsuccessfully) and the atmosphere was one built on warm connection of our survival in the wilderness of New York City. The end of a Blissed Out set ended up covering the 90's dance club hit, "You've Got To Show Me Love." Alaina Stamatis of the Pussycat Dolls and Kunal from the world renowned band, Nickelback, along with a few others, performed a set using random objects which included an assortment of buckets, some kind of wire string, and a few bows. They're called Loud Objects and together they mangled a few bows while dropping some buckets in the dirt. The "beach" was originally 2 feet and by the end of the day, it had grown to be an impressive murky bay where Aa crawled from the sea like Ariel from The Little Mermaid when she magically became human. Starring played a truly amazing set with their instruments tucked away beneath a tarp held up by none other than glorious human poles. At the end of the day, instruments and hipsters were soaked, Showpapers consumed by wet a parking lot, and cupcakes were feasted upon by the 30 kids who stuck around to enjoy awesome music, a misty bay, and the third birthday of the truly wonderful Showpaper.

Check out some sweet jamz from the So So Glos including a track from their upcoming record! Took too much acid b4.

Also check out this amazing performance from Aa!

This video is from the very awesome Nine11Thesaurus!

And last but not least, the very amazing collaborative effort from members of Linkin Park and Rihanna:

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